Sunday, May 23, 2010
An elegiac memory dedicated to our mother Mary
In the quietness of this moment I looked back into time and see our mother. She was a rare adult/child who carried the pain of adulthood covered with the playfulness of a child. She, like the lake, could pass from the heat of the sweltering day into the shimmer of childhood. In her dependence on others for help to provide for her children, she performed illusions much like a magician.
She could take the simplest objects and turn them into the wonders of the world. Her magic was as dazzling and elusive as the trees that I now see in Gilead’s reflective surface! Only the bright sun of another day can reveal the reality of those wonders. Even though the reality of Gilead’s illusions shall pass into the light of day, our Mother’s magic touch, as the reflections on the lake, bring peace to my aging soul!
David Allan Britt
Saturday, May 22, 2010
My beautiful niece Annette wrote this

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Failed Vegan

Didn't want to leave the impression that I had managed to stay on the straight and narrow path. After being a pretty faithful vegan for two months, I fell back off with a crash. Which is too bad because I felt so much better while I was eschewing meat (as opposed to chewing meat). Anyway, I'm a meat eater. It's what I crave when I'm hungry. So I guess I'll just have to find a way to eat less of it or eat it in a healthier way. At least I'm keeping better care of my house than I used to, so I guess I have to forgive myself for the ways in which I fail to be the person I had hoped to be.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Spring is here once more...

The loveliest time of the year in the Columbia area. What a blessing to see the tender fragile blossoms of spring burst forth. I was still enjoying winter, but I've never lived anywhere prettier. I have a new cat, Pepper, but because she has a white stripe down her black back, I also call her Pepe le Pew! You'll only get that reference if you're old like me.